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Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just a brief note

We're still rewriting a chapter about the earliest work in Canada. This is more difficult work than we faced with the chapter on England. (Think hair-pulling and teeth-gritting.) So, there won't be any longer posts for a while.

After we finish that re-write, we revise a chapter about the earliest work in China. We have much more detail for that than we have for Canada, which seems strange to me.

After those projects are done, we turn our notes on Historical Idealism into a chapter. Historical Idealism is the practice of turning history into a mythology. All sides are guilty. Sometimes it is intentional; sometimes it comes from writers failing to fact check.

When that's done we'll review finished chapters.

What's left is:

1. Struggles with opposers: Barbour and Adams to 1882.
2. Struggles with opposers: Anti-Ransom to 1892.
3. Paton's defection.
4. A. D. Jones and W. Conley and others.
5. Approach to 1881.
6. Other lands. (May be folded into another chapter.)
7. In the world but not of it.
8. Roots of WT theology.

So you see we have tonnes of work left. Help is always appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm particularly looking forward to seeing your comments on:

7. In the world but not of it.
8. Roots of WT theology.

As regards 7. I suspect it took a World War to iron out the finer details of what was involved in being 'in the world, but not of it.' Is your next book going as far as the Washington 1921 convention?

As regards Historical Idealism, This will be a tricky concept to explain. Recording history inevitably involves selectivity, which leads to oversimplification and precision in areas which sometimes we're not so clear cut at the time. No doubt you will excel at this however, as you do with your other writings.

Son of Ton

P.S. I'm surprised that the early history of Canada is proving so difficult to put together.